The Private membership Association:

Once bought-All is sent through email and classes receipt will be sent also. Nothing to download on this particular package.

The Private Membership Association Package consist of: 

1: A specifically designed Constitution and By-laws. 

2: An instructions page on how to establish your private membership association. 

3: Three booklets that give a basic explanation as to how an association operates. 

A PMA is an association of business partners that operate as an association wherein the organization can define itself as the members see fit. Its organized in such a way that no one can interfere in the daily activities of the company. 

Further- this package includes 19 online classes that explains in detail what A specifically designed Constitution and By-laws can do and much more on how to write minutes, what specific subjects look like on paper in a private capacity etc…


The Private Trust-Maximum protection for businesses and property: 

The Genoa Institute Trusts are by far superior to many trusts out there. Many have said it is like buying thousands of trusts in one because of what it can do for you and your family: 

The trust package consists of: 

1: The trust agreement itself.

2: The trust logo. 

3: Six booklets and free reference material.  

4: Four online classes that explain the ins and outs of different types of engagements you have with others and how to keep your trust agreement within its non-disclosure status. 

We need the name of the private membership association  and the trust on the form below to get started. No need to pay now unless you prefer to pay before package is available.